This Viharaya is said to have been built by Bhuvanekabahu V in the Gampola period. Except the old Viharaya, the Stupa and the Bo-tree, the rest are all new additions. This pious king gifted lands to the Viharaya for its maintenance.
The image house itself is very interesting. The Mandapaya has stone pillars with wooden brackets supporting the roof. The doorway to the image house is of stone. In the Garbhagrha is an image of the seated Buddha under a Makara Torana. This is similar in style to others belonging to the Kandyan period. The inner sides of the walls of the image house contain paintings of the Suvisi Vivaranaya and the Mara Parajaya, two popular themes, and some Jataka stories are also depicted. The ceiling is decorated with floral designs.
Behind the Pilima-ge in another small room is a recumbent Buddha figure depicting the passing away of the great being. It is recorded on the wall face that this temple was destroyed by the British during the 1817-18 Kandyan rebellion.
One of the finest icons of God Visnu 18 inches in height standing underneath a Makara Torana is housed in this temple. The Kirita or the head dress of the god is studded with precious stones, and the whole statue with Makara Torana is made of pure silver. The figure of the god is chastely molded and shows the artistic talent of the craftsman.
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